Peyronie's Disease Treatment

What is Peyronie's Disease ?

By Peyronie's disease (induratio penis plastica also) is when the penis in the rigidly krom draws, in the horizontal or vertical plane. This is an acquired disorder; the normal light bend up that one sees, there is usually not covered. Sometimes this can also be painful and usually there's not a penis in erection a hardened connective tissue to feel severely. This can sometimes be so severe forms that sexual intercourse through it becomes impossible. The phenomenon was described in 1743 by François Gigot de La Peyronie (also called Lapeyronie), court physician of King Louis XV


The disease is not rare, as she comes at least some men per thousand for. Not everyone with the disorder will do consult a doctor - real complaints are often not and shame deters many.

Peyronie's Disease Causes

The cause is formation of a strand of connective tissue in a swelling body, so that the penis there are not to the same extent as it can stretch in the other swelling body. This connective tissue arises spontaneously, and the cause is not known; there are as many hypotheses as researchers. It is not associated with the HLA system, as some rheumatic diseases are. May play a cellular imbalance between NO (nitric oxide) and oxygen radicals play a role. The disease, disorder or a closely similar thereto, can be called up in an animal model by injection of cytomoduline in the connective tissue sheath of the penis. The disease may be related to Dupuytren's Disease wherein similar strands of connective tissue formed in the palm of the hand. An important hypothesis is currently (2004) the emergence of microtrauma during intercourse or masturbation that would lead to excessive repair response. In 2008 a large genetic research is conducted to Peyronie's disease.

Refers to the following possible causes are:

-Hereditary: sometimes it happens that the disorder often occur in certain famillies (genetically), but this is rare.
-Injury: when the erect penis is bent it is forced or when injecting the penis (eg due to erectile dysfunction).
-Circulatory disorder or high blood pressure.
-Diabetes: It appears that individuals with Peyronie's disease often have diabetes.

Peyronie's Disease Treatment

In general, unsatisfactory. There are some medications that the formation of connective tissue may somewhat counter, although a review article in the influential journal British Journal of Urology still reported in 2004 that drug treatment is completely useless and that only surgery (in many forms) is eligible. Some advocate the use of tamoxifen, which is not allowed on the market for this disease, and (only) one study in approximately 30% appeared to have a beneficial effect. Corticosteroid had a disappointing result. Verapamil also been tried. Furthermore, shock wave therapy tried in several studies involving varying degrees of success (or lack thereof) has been reported.

In a surgical procedure, the penis is artificially introduced into erection, after which the urologist remove a wedge-shaped piece of the penis (typically in a bend). Then the penis 'straightened' and attached the wound. After surgery, the penis is always less erect. This surgery is called a plicaturatie Nesbitt. Because of the arteries and erectile tissue that lie in the area of operations, it is a risky operation with high risk of complications. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia.

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