Plastic Surgery Definition - What Is Plastic Surgery ?

Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty that often is associated with the aesthetic and / or functional point customizing the look. This may include the restoration of congenital or suffered mutilation of the body, but also from cosmetic surgery without medical necessity. Officially, however, the specialty "plastic, reconstructieve- and hand surgery," and there is a box of much more than just aesthetic surgery.

The group of patients undergoing reconstructive surgery, include a wide variety of patients. It could include birth defects, accidents, but also people who had to give up a part of their body by cancer or another disease. Birth defects such as cleft lip (cleft palate), congenital hand or foot abnormalities, but also very large moles (called congenital nevi) or vascular abnormalities as wine stains and hemangiomas are often operated by a "children's plastic surgeon," someone who is specially has focused on the birth defects.

Plastic Surgery Definition - What Is Plastic Surgery ?


All around the beginning of the era took place in reconstructions of India cut off noses village and according to some sources were in the same time in China operated on lipspleten. The first Dutch described experiences about the recovery of hazenlippen or hazemonden in the middle ages we find in the Dutch-speaking surgical manuscript, handwritten book from master Jan Yperman (1295-1351) from the Flemish Ieperen.

The first plastic surgery in England in 1816, was applied by the British surgeon Joseph Constantine Carpue. He reconstructed a nose using a stemmed lap by applying a method that was used in India for thousands of years ago.

The development of plastic surgery got a big boost by the need to recover from those who had suffered mutilation during the first world war. These war surgery developed into a separate specialism (see also Car plastic).


Also after accidents is often plastic surgery expertise required. Aside from the obvious trauma like Burns, facial injuries and large scars is the plastic surgeon often involved in wounds which the covering of underlying structures such as bones, tendons, blood vessels and is no longer possible. Sometimes than tricks applied to close the defect by the surrounding skin to loosen and what about the defect back to turn, but if that is impossible should be another solution came up with. A muscle from the area loosening and that twist about the defect, the so-called, "stemmed lap" is sometimes an option. This preserves the existing muscle blood supply intact. If this is not possible there is sometimes chosen to a muscle of a location to get completely loose a bit further away, and then on the spot of the defect with its blood vessels reconnecting on blood vessels near the defect, so that the muscle can survive here. This is a "free lap" or "free flap requires Microsurgical expertise", and since the blood vessels than with a microscope must be connected.


Patients who after operation (an operation that is carried out in connection with cancer) from here be a problem also seen often by a plastic surgeon. This may be directly during the operation in which the tumor is removed, or only months or years later. In the first case, there is often a problem because there is an important anatomical structure should be taken away to be able to get all the cancer away. A tumor in the bone of the mandible is a good example of this. An oral surgeon takes out than a lot of the lower jaw and run a large defect over that by the plastic surgeon must be repaired. Often is not just about bone, but also to soft tissue. Also than is often used the microscope to fill the defect with a free lap. Since only muscle is not sufficient to reconstruct the mandible, also a piece of bone should be transplanted. As donor material is often accompanied by rejection and the like, is a material from the patient himself by far superior. There are several places you a piece of bone relative impunity can remove his feeding artery and draining vein to connect again in the head and neck area. You can fibula (fibula), the pelvis (iliac crest), or use the shoulder blade (scapula), the fibula is the most popular. But also women who have to give a breast cancer because sometimes undergo during the same surgery in which the chest is deposited a reconstruction of the breast. This not only has psychological benefits for the patient also surgically-technical advantages, because many of the skin can often sit and still has its own form. Breast reconstruction can be done in many different ways, with foreign material like silicone breast prostheses, but also with the body material as the back muscle (the Lattisimus Dorsi) or belly fat. This belly fat can be stalked by his own blood, and along with the abdominal muscles (rectus abdominus) to be wound 'twisted', or free flap connected microscopically. In the first case refers to a TRAM flap (transverse rectus abdominis muscle), the second on a DIEP flap (Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator).

Hand Surgery

Surgical hand side of the box is one that is often overlooked. Most people in the Netherlands do not even know that it belongs to the specialty of plastic surgery. Given the complex anatomy of the hand with a strong balance between flexor and extensor tendons, in addition to the many ligaments and the large amount of important structures such as nerves, blood vessels, tendons and muscles in a small area, making the hand a major surgical challenge. Given the technical and often microscopic surgical expertise needed to turn a seriously injured hand back or repair, this specialty has always been at the plastic surgeon arrived. In Belgium, however, belongs to the orthopedic surgery. Besides severed hands and fingers on again and fix all kinds of broken bones in the hand, the hand surgery consists of all ligamentous problems, nerve problems, arthritis (osteoarthritis) and even sometimes birth defects.

Aesthetic surgery

Finally, the aesthetic side of the plastic surgery. This is the side that the subject in the media is always associated directly, but which really only represents a relatively small part of the box. This concerns usually people who had surgery on their bodies with the aim of optimizing their appearance. These are often people who have strong dissatisfaction with their appearance. This form of plastic surgery is called cosmetic or aesthetic surgery. Some commonly performed surgeries are breast augmentation or reduction, liposuction, nose, eye and earlobe corrections, the forehead lift, facelift and thigh gap. By transplanting of tissues or the use of artificial materials such as silicone are a large number of these cosmetic corrections become possible. The vast majority of people who choose to undergo cosmetic surgery, has a very definite desire and expectation of the procedure and the results. Despite the great attention to this in the media, there are no figures that confirm that patients who undergo cosmetic surgery are becoming younger, or that plastic surgeons surgery without any more would perform. For operations in general, but for cosmetic surgery, in particular, is that a realistic expectation of both the patient and the surgeon are essential for a satisfactory result.

Advertising Prohibition (Belgium)

There is from August 15, 2011 in accordance with the law of 6 July 2011, a ban on advertising for interventions of medical aesthetics (= plastic surgery), this is any intervention by a practitioner of medicine to change a person's appearance on his demand for aesthetic reasons and without therapeutic or reconstructive purpose. Also, injections and laser class IV and IPL treatments are considered medical interventions aesthetics.

'Advertising' is very broadly defined, in particular any statement or action that promotes interventions directly or indirectly, regardless of the applied location, carrier or techniques.

Personal information about the interventions and practitioners is only allowed under strict conditions. This information must be truthful, objective, relevant, verifiable, discreet and clear. They may also not be misleading or comparative. Financial arguments are prohibited.

Moreover, results of surveys are not used as personal information. This is to include photos of before and after surgery and testimonies of patients.

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