Signs And Symptoms Of Gallstones - What Are Gallstones?

What are gallstones?

Gallstones are hard stones in the gallbladder or in the bile ducts.

In the western world these stones originated mostly by too much cholesterol. Emerge than solid crystals cholesterol. These crystals accumulate and form stones.

Have you suffered from gallstones? Then it is probably necessary to remove the gallbladder. People can live well without a gallbladder. The gall goes directly via the bile into the intestine. Some people like mild symptoms. This prevents complaints by eating less fat.

Who are more at risk of gallstones?
  1. women;
  2. overweight people;
  3. people who lose weight quickly;
  4. old people;
  5. people in whom prevention of gallstones in the family.

What are the signs and symptoms of gallstones

Signs And Symptoms Of Gallstones - What Are Gallstones

By gallstones, you may experience:
  1. flatulence;
  2. farmers;
  3. nausea;
  4. a feeling in the upper abdomen, especially after eating fat, egg, chocolate or charcoal.
Sometimes a gallstone fixed in the output of the gall bladder or in the bile ducts. What you notice that?
  1. You will feel a sharp pain in your upper right abdomen. This is colic. Colic is a severe pain that arises from a hollow organ (here the gallbladder) strongly contracts.
  2. Maybe you are sick and need to give you.
  3. You also get a strong need to move.
  4. The pain may last for one to four hours. The pain stops when the stone by shooting to the large intestine or bile duct, or when the gallbladder is too exhausted to continue pressing.
Sometimes a pebble is so wedged in the duct that no bile can get in or out of the gallbladder there. Your gallbladder can no longer work. He often becomes inflamed. What you notice this?
  1. You have abdominal pain that does not go over and high fever.
A gallstone can also get stuck in the bile duct that leads to the large intestine. The bile can no longer walk in the intestine and enters the bloodstream. You see this with the following things:
  1. Your skin gets a yellowish color (jaundice).
  2. Your stools are very light in color because there are no more bile comes in.
  3. The urine is dark brown.

How does the doctor determines that you have gallstones?

Usually, a doctor can detect gallstones quite easily with an ultrasound. Occasionally, an MRI scan is necessary to be able to see small gallstones.

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