Dyspepsia Definition : Causes, Symptoms And Treatment Of Dyspepsia

What is dyspepsia?

Dyspepsia is the term used in medicine refers to a disturbance in the digestive system, which mainly occur upset stomach. Often there is talk of a bloated feeling in the stomach, which makes unpleasant digestion of food.

Dyspepsia symptoms

In Case bloating one need not only to have gas in the abdomen. The other most common symptoms are:
  • Flatulence
  • Collywobbles
  • Nausea
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Bloating - A swollen abdomen can also cause fatigue, respiratory problems and pain.
  • Surrender
  • Diarrhea
  • Hiccups
  • Bloody stools.

Suddenly many quick weight loss can be experienced when someone suffers from reduced hunger and disturbances in the stomach. Sometimes one after drinking or eating also suffer from frequent farmers or high gas production.

Dyspepsia Definition : Causes, Symptoms And Treatment Of Dyspepsia

Dyspepsia causes

In most cases, the case of gases that are produced in the intestines. Medical conditions such as Crohn's disease and intestinal obstruction may also contribute to bloating.

Flatulence and bloating are often signs that the food can not be fully digested by the body. Also, by not drinking enough problems may worsen, because moisture is needed for the digestion of food. Fat food stimulates the production of fat cells in the body, and fat on the body slows the operation of the stomach, so that it can also contribute to dyspepsia. Dairy products can also contribute to bloating, flatulence and cramping. People with lactose intolerance will find it stronger. If the products are consumed, the problem should be solved.

Direct causes
  • Too much, too soon and / or too often eat
  • Lactose intolerance - Lactose is in dairy products
  • Fructose intolerance - fructose is in table sugar and fruit sugar
  • Food Allergies
  • Air in the stomach - caused by CPR, if the person is not breathing by itself
  • Swallowing air - often unconsciously, but can also eat too fast, which is being swallowed into air
  • Dumping Syndrome - incomplete digestion of food
  • Gas-producing foods were
  • Difficult bowel movements - also referred to as a "congestion" or "constipation"
  • Menstruation
  • Helicobacter pylori - a bacterium in the stomach
  • Psychological factors
  • Stress and Medications
  • Excessive alcohol consumption

Indirect causes
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome - IBS
  • bowel obstruction
  • Visceral fat (belly)
  • Mild flexion syndrome - a kind PDS
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - cysts in the ovaries. A symptom is an irregular ovulation.
  • Syndrome Alvarez
  • Worms and other parasites in the intestines
  • Diverticulosis - usually in people over 40
Fairly unknown causes could be:
  • Ascites which is not air but a liquid the disturbing factor;
  • Tumors, especially if they are in the ovary, liver, uterus, and are located in the stomach.

Specific causes

Fructose is found in fruits and honey. Ordinary table sugar (sucrose) provides equal amounts of fructose and glucose. Fruit Sugar consists solely of fructose. Fructose is also used as a sweetener and is 1.5 times as sweet as table sugar.

Several studies have shown that fructose is not as good for the body. An excess of fructose over a longer period of time can lead to a metabolic syndrome. Furthermore, there may be hypertension, myocardial infarction, dyslipidemia, obesity, pancreatitis, acute liver failure and gestational diabetes are caused.

The body accepts the fructose and brings this with the protein GLUT-5 to the liver. Glut-2 is used by the body for the substance is glucose. However, glucose can not only with the GLUT-2, also with fructose. Fructose is only broken down and converted into energy in the liver, while glucose is converted into energy in the body. Glut-2 takes care of the glucosetoestroom, and if there is an excess of fructose, touch the body is saturated and there is not enough to drain the GLUT-5 to fructose. Fructose will then take the place of glucose in go. This creates a Fructose malabsorption. 30 to 40 percent of the population suffers it. Because the fructose is not recorded, or not enough, increases the concentration in the colon, after which the bacteria convert it into hydrogen and carbon dioxide. As a result, most symptoms of bloating, causes. There are also different kinds of fruits where sugars in it that people can't digest, but bacteria though.

Dyspepsia treatment

Some foods are enzymes that help break down sugars that are found in grains and vegetables. These can be taken before being eaten. Medications can be taken with activated carbon, against the smell of flatulence. The most well known drug is antacid. This increases the pH of the stomach acid. However, there must be a metered amount to be ingested. If too much of ingested, which inhibits again the functioning of the stomach.

Even after eating a walk can help against bloating. This is because hormones are released during a walk, which promote the digestion of food in the intestines. Herbal teas can be drunk, because it breaks the bubbles. Some types of food, such as coffee and chocolate, can stimulate the digestive tract, which leads to a higher quantity of air, in the intestines. Fat food can also be poorly digested, causing bloating may arise. Too hot and ice cold drinks or food can give bloating, because air is sucked in when consuming. Carbonated beverages shall ensure that gas is produced in the stomach. That which does not come back up, goes through the intestines out and take care of bloating. So it is not advisable to drink it. It is also the most sense to quit smoking or otherwise using tobacco products.

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