Types Of Connective Tissue

What is connective tissue ?

Connective tissue is a type of tissue that is part of all the organs of the body of humans and animals. Connective tissue has a supportive or nurturing function. Connective tissue protecting organs and determines their shape. The relative movement of the organs is provided by the connective tissue. Connective tissue also forms the path along which blood vessels and nerves are routed to the bodies; the most binding of all connective tissue features.
An important common feature in which the connective tissues are distinguished from the other tissues is the fact that connective tissue consisting of a population of specialized cells, embedded in large quantities between the fiber or intercellular matrix. The cells are thin, at most, via suckers or sometimes not at all in direct contact with each other. It is the differences in properties of the matrix which determine to an important extent, the functional difference between the various connective tissues.

adipose-fibrous-dense regular-areolar connective tissue | types of connective tissue disorders

Connective tissue matrix

In the intercellular matrix, we distinguish between an amorphous component and of the connective tissue fibers. The amorphous component (= the ground substance) is comprised of a gel of proteoglycans, carbohydrate (glycosaminoglycans) and protein molecules (glycoproteins) in which the fibers are embedded. The nature of the matrix can vary from almost liquid (loose connective tissue) to very firm and compact (bone and cartilage). The composition of the matrix is directly related to the mechanical properties of the corresponding connective tissue, but also on the extent to which certain molecules (nutrients and waste products, but also all kinds of signaling molecules) can diffuse through the connective tissue.

Types of fibre

The connective tissue exists in relationship of few cells, with in between an extracellular (outside the cell) substance of non-living, thread-like fibers. The connective tissue fibers can be classified into three types:
  • Collagenous fibers consist of the protein ' collagen '. The tensile strength of this type of fiber is similar to that of steel. The fibers cause the connective tissue not infinite can be stretched and thereby retains the body its shape.
  • Reticular fibers are a variant on the Collagenous fibers. They occur mainly in combination with reticulumcellen. This fine fibers provide support to the bone marrow cells and organs. Especially in the Lymphoid organs spleen and lymph nodes they are numerous.
  • Elastic fibers are thinner and-as the name suggests-very elastic. With all their ramifications, they form a whole network. These fibers come for example for in walls of blood vessels, because those very stretchy.

Types of connective tissue

On the basis of these three kinds of fibers may be composed of different types of connective tissue, so that the connective tissue has just the right properties for the task. The following types of tissue can be distinguished:
  • Loose connective tissue is most common in the body. It consists of a combination of collagen and elastic fibers. As a result, it is easy to deform, but it has little resistance to elongation. It supports, for example, nerve cells, blood vessels and muscles.
  • Reticular connective tissue is formed by a network of reticular fibers. The network supports many organs such as the liver and spleen.
  • Elastic connective tissue consists mainly of elastic fibers. This tissue is found mainly around organs that need to be quite stretched but then again have to take their old form, such as the lungs and major arteries. Also in the joint ligaments that connect two bone parts together you come against elastic connective tissue.
  • Punishment connective tissue is largely made up of bundles of collagen fibers, which makes it very tensile strength and relatively stiff. These fibers are found for example, in hairstyles for organs and tendons.
  • Mucoid gelatinous connective tissue is by an excess of hyaluronic acid in the ground substance. Mucoid connective tissue forms the basis of the umbilical cord and is referred to as the Wharton's jelly. Due to the resilient elastic character prevents the pinching of blood vessels.
Fat, blood and lymph are three special connective tissues with a special feature. Adipose tissue plays an important role not only as a food reserve, but in addition, sometimes also has a mechanical function, such as in the support of the eyeball. Blood and lymph are as connective tissue particular by their intercellular fluid, which is not designed by the blood cells. Due to their liquid state can flow through these tissues around the body, and there is in this way to make sure that can communicate certain tissues in the body by signal substances to be carried -like of hormones.

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