What Is Peritonitis?, What Are The Symptoms And Treatment Of Peritonitis?

What is peritonitis?

The peritonitis is a thin, translucent membrane with moisture in it. One side of the peritoneum lies against the abdominal organs, folded. The other side is against the inside of the abdomen. As a body inflamed or damaged, there is liquid in the peritoneum that there does not belong. For example, gastric juice, bile, blood or intestinal contents. That can cause a peritonitis.

The inflammation usually occurs due to bacteria in the abdominal cavity. For example, there is a hole in the intestine is making stools in the abdominal cavity. Or when an organ is inflamed, like appendicitis. In women with a sexually transmitted disease, the infection can come from the uterus and the fallopian tubes.

Suspect the doctor that you have peritonitis? Then you should go directly to the hospital for research. Maybe you also get a keyhole surgery (laparoscopy). The doctor may remove any inflammation during this research immediately. You will then receive antibiotics against the bacteria.

How do you get peritonitis?

  1. Peritonitis usually occurs when there are bacteria in the abdominal cavity. For example, this happens when there is an opening in the intestine is thus feces comes into the abdominal cavity. Such a gap can occur during surgery or bowel diseases like diverticulitis.
  2. Also, when an organ is inflamed, peritonitis can occur. For example at an appendicitis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis.
  3. In women with a sexually transmitted disease, the inflammation spread through the uterus and fallopian tubes. This happens sometimes with chlamydia and gonorrhea.
  4. People who undergo some form of dialysis (peritoneal dialysis), get easier peritonitis. They get plastic drainage tubes into their abdominal cavity. Tubes through which bacteria can get into the abdominal cavity.
  5. There may also arise a inflammation without bacteria, for example in a stomach ulcer which pierces the stomach wall. There will then stomach acid in the stomach irritates the peritoneum. In operation, there may be a powder from the surgeon's gloves are in the abdominal cavity. In some people this creates peritonitis.

Signs and symptoms of peritonitis

What Is Peritonitis?, What Are The Symptoms And Treatment Of Peritonitis

The signs and symptoms of peritonitis are dependent on the severity and cause of the inflammation.

Most people with peritonitis suffer from:
  1. severe abdominal pain all the time;
  2. fever;
  3. a distended abdomen;
  4. nausea and vomiting.
There may also be cavities with pus in the abdomen (abscesses). If these cavities burst, the inflammation worse.

Some people get dehydrated. They get a lot of thirst and little need to pee. Eventually someone can thereby into shock. This only happens when very severe inflammation and if someone does not have treatment.

Sometimes after a peritonitis scar tissue in the abdominal cavity, such as adhesions or constrictions in the intestines. Because of this, can anyone remember years after the ignition abdominal pain. Also there may be a bowel closure.

Peritonitis treatment

If your doctor thinks you have peritonitis, you must immediately go to the hospital. The infection must be treated quickly because. Otherwise, there may be cavities filled with pus formed (abscesses). The sooner you are treated, the sooner you're better. Also, the probability of adhesions than smaller.

The doctor will first take x-rays or investigate fluid from the abdominal cavity. Maybe you also get a keyhole surgery (laparoscopy). The physician can in this study often immediately treat the cause of the peritonitis. Then you get antibiotics against the bacteria. You are likely to get different types of antibiotics at the same time.

Do you thirst and you do little to pee? You will receive an infusion of moisture. You are then in fact drying out.

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