Causes, Signs And Symptoms of Retinal Detachment

The retina is the inner lining of the eye (behind the eyeball). The retina captures images from the outside world and sends them along the optic nerve to the brain. When the retina detaches from the lower layer, we speak of a retinal detachment

Signs And Symptoms of Retinal Detachment

  1. Flashes of light. A retinal detachment can start with the sudden appearance of spots or flies in the image. Light flashes can also be observed. This may be the beginning of a retinal detachment, but this is not always the case. In most people with turbidities and flashes, there is an (innocent) vitreous membrane release.
  2. Failure of the field of view. A black or gray spot appears on the spot of the retinal detachment. This spot can not be looked at.
  3. Reducing vision. When the central part of the retina (the macula or yellow spot) also releases, the sharp vision disappears.

Examination of Retinal Detachment

A retinal detachment can be determined by an ophthalmologist who looks into the eye. With the help of a lens and a bright lamp (eye mirror or slit lamp) the retina can be viewed. In order to visualize the retina well, it may be necessary to place a contact glass against the eye. Prior to this examination, the eye is anesthetized with a drop. If the retina is not clearly visible, it may be necessary to perform ultrasound of the eye. Whether the yellow spot is affected can not always be detected in advance.

Causes, Signs And Symptoms of Retinal Detachment

What Causes of Retinal Detachment?

The cause of a retinal detachment is usually aging of the vitreous humor. Due to aging, the vitreous fluid shrinks and the vitreous is released from the retina (vitreous membrane release). This can cause a tear in the retina. As a result of the tear of the eye fluid flowing under the retina, a retinal detachment occurs. The chance of a retinal detachment is higher in older people, in people who have undergone cataract surgery and in people with nearsightedness. An accident or other condition of the eye can also increase the chance of a retinal detachment.

Retinal Detachment Surgery

A retinal detachment is almost always treated with surgery. Two techniques have been developed for this: a band around the eye and a vitreous fluid (vitrectomy). Which technique is used is determined in advance by the surgeon.

How To Overcome Retinal Detachment?

You can not do anything yourself to prevent a retinal detachment. If a retinal detachment has been detected, you will sometimes receive a posture advice from the ophthalmologist. This means that you have to take it very slowly until the operation. Sometimes you have to stay flat all day until the operation, keeping your head in a certain direction. If this is necessary, the ophthalmologist will clearly discuss this with you. A postural advice often also applies after the operation.

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