Treatment Of Mucous Membrane (Mucosa) Inflammation

The mucous membrane, also called mucosa, forms the inner lining of the oral cavity. The mucous membrane produces mucus with functions as protection of the tissues against damage or infection and making transport possible. Mucosal abnormalities can occur in the mouth. These abnormalities do not always cause symptoms and are sometimes discovered by chance by your dentist or dental hygienist.

Treatment Of Mucous Membrane (Mucosa) Inflammation

Inflammatory reaction of the skin and mucous membranes

Lichen planus is an inflammatory reaction of the skin and mucous membranes, which in the mouth can cause a painful and burning sensation.

The cause of lichen planus is unknown, but it is assumed that it is a kind of autoimmune disease, where the immune system is directed against the body's own tissue. In the mouth from the inflammation as white spots on the inside of both cheeks, on the gums or under the tongue. Usually the deviation does not give any complaints and is discovered by chance. In case of a more severe inflammation, sores can develop which can be very painful. Sometimes the dental surgeon will take a biopsy (tissue piece) under local anesthesia to confirm the diagnosis.

The treatment focuses on combating the complaints. For this, the dental surgeon will prescribe an analgesic gel, whether or not in combination with an anti-inflammatory flushing agent or mouth paste. In addition, it is important that the mucous membranes are regularly checked. This can be done in consultation with your dentist or dental surgeon.

Benign non-painful bump on the oral mucosa

A fibroma is a benign non-painful swelling / bump on the oral mucosa, which consists of a thickening of the connective tissue. It is usually located on the inside of the cheek or lip, but it can also occur on or around the tongue. It usually occurs as a result of chronic irritation caused by a dental prosthesis (prosthesis fibroma) or by repeatedly biting the mucous membrane (biting fibroma). The size can change over time.

The dental surgeon can remove the fibroma in local anesthesia. If in doubt, the tissue can be sent to the pathologist for examination.

Benign mucous cyst

A mucocele is a common and often recurring benign mucous cyst which is caused by a blockage of the drainage of a small salivary gland in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Damage to the gland or drainage as a result of a mucus, biting / chewing or an inflammation, the gland can not lose the produced mucus / saliva, causing it to accumulate in or around the salivary gland and cause a swelling. Often the mucocele looks transparent or blue-like and feels like a week. By biting on it, (thickened) mucus can escape. In addition to the lower lip, it can also occur under the tongue or in the cheek.

The dental surgeon can remove the mucocele including damaged salivary gland in local anesthesia. After removal, the tissue can be sent to the pathologist for examination.

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