Mosquitoes Facts : Types of Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes (Culicidae) are a family of mosquitoes (suborder Nematocera) belonging to the dipterous (Diptera). Species from this family are often referred to as mosquitoes. The females suck blood with the mouth parts, they do not sting (see insect bite and insect sting). They should actually be called biting mosquitoes.

There are thousands of species that bite, at least in the females in need of the blood for the development of the eggs. Most species live at night. The most notorious are the types of mosquitoes. The tiger mosquito is dangerous because it spreads serious illnesses such as the West Nile disease, Japanese encephalitis, chikungunya, dengue and yellow fever. These mosquitoes live 40 to 50 days and put off several times during their lives eggs. Mosquitoes are not transferring the only family with biting mosquito species, including species from other families (black fly or Simuliidae and Ceratopogonidae or midges) can bite and diseases.

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Mosquitoes make a buzzing noise that is audible when the mosquito comes close. This has partly to do with the propagation of mosquitoes. They live in the dark and can meet difficult, mosquitoes why use sound to locate each other in the dark. Only the (stabbing) females make buzzing sounds that are picked up by the feathery antennae of males. Each strain produces a slightly different sound, so that the males are not mate with a female of a different species.

Mosquitoes come all over the world, except in very cold areas, such as around the poles. The distribution of many species is increased by global warming. Among other mosquitoes pulls this towards the north. In the Netherlands and Belgium are mosquitoes annoying at best, but they are globally responsible for the death of 1 in 17 people: every year around 700 million people are infected with a disease spread by mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes use sight but mainly take smells and where temperature differences to detect the host. Most of mosquitoes, such as the Culex pipiens bite mammals and birds, which are first detected visually. Scents and heat differences are only noticed when the mosquito is closer. Mosquitoes have adjustments to substances secreted by animals to observe. It is then not to stool or urine, but it is estimated that about 300 to 400 different substances are secreted by the sweat, and around 100 different substances when breathing out.


Mosquitoes always live near water because the larvae grow up here. This also applies to many midge larvae. Male mosquitoes suck plant juices just like nectar. It's the females that stabbing; they suck blood because they are the nutrients (proteins) that are required herein, for the laying of eggs. One blood meal they can lay several hundred eggs, about once every three days. Incidentally, there are more insects that live on plants, but which sometimes females suck blood or other animals eat for the development of the eggs; examples are horseflies and some bugs.

An egg hatches a mosquito larva emerges that an important part of life is under water. This larva is a pioneer species that can survive in very poor conditions.

Mosquito Larvae filtering small unicellular algae and animals from the water. These are mainly situated just below the surface of the water because this the most of the sunlight and the largest concentration of oxygen is present. This is also the larvae often just found below the surface only when disturbed they dive meanders below.

Red mosquito larvae live precisely on the bottom of the water, in the bottom sludge. The red color due them to an oxygen-binding substance in their body, which is useful because there is less oxygen at the bottom. They come only occasionally wound up to breathe. Bloodworms life of dead organic material, some species live in self-built tubes.

Mosquito larvae are eaten by many insects and their larvae, fish, amphibians and other animals and are also sold as fish food, both dry and alive. Bloodworms are the larvae of biting midges, black larvae of mosquitoes. The adult mosquito lives only briefly; a few days to weeks.

Disease spread

In a growing number of countries, especially tropical and subtropical regions, a "mosquito bite" can be very dangerous. This is because a number of kinds of carrier may be of various diseases of which malaria is the best known. This disease is transmitted by mosquitoes (Anopheles). The bite itself is not dangerous, but the organisms in the saliva does. It was long thought that these pathogens were parasitic on the mosquito, but probably is more a case of symbiosis. Can not distribute any type of mosquito HIV despite local rumors and the blood-sucking habits. Some species also spread diseases among livestock, such as bluetongue, which is especially dangerous in sheep. Cattle may also be affected and symptoms of disease, but there is less mortality than in sheep.

Other (tropical) diseases that are spread by mosquitoes:
  • Dengue or dengue
  • Yellow fever
  • West Nile Disease
  • Elephantiasis (elephantiasis)

Some scientists believe that mosquitoes worldwide play no essential role in the ecosystem. Nothing and no one would miss them if they disappeared. Indeed, they suggest that if mosquitoes could have some use, humans have found a way to exploit them. The only really major ecological consequence of the disappearance of the mosquito would be that you get more people (ie less contamination). That is the consequence. Furthermore, nature will take its course as before, and perhaps improve.

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