What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Agoraphobia ?

One person with agoraphobia is not the other. Agoraphobia occurs in various degrees. The severity of the condition can therefore vary considerably. For example, someone with serious agoraphobia can not leave the house, while someone who has a mild agoraphobia is able to travel short distances without problems.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Agoraphobia ?

Sign And Symptoms Of Agoraphobia

The symptoms can roughly be divided into three types:

Psychological complaints

The psychological symptoms are feelings or thoughts that sometimes, but not always, are related to the physical symptoms. Such symptoms include:

- Losing control in a public place.
- Blush and vibrate when you appeal to people or when they appeal to you.
- To see a panic attack as a life-threatening thing.
- Afraid that you will not be able to escape if you get a panic attack.
- Afraid that you will be embarrassed by other people if you have a panic attack.

Be sure to consult a doctor if you feel the symptoms have a strong influence on your personal, social or professional life. If you feel the urge to take medication, the symptoms will be very serious. Also with a depressed and / or suicidal feeling, you do well to talk to the doctor. Do not be left alone with these problems!

Behavioral problems

Certain symptoms of agoraphobia may show signs of certain behaviors. People with agoraphobia may show depressed and obsessive behavior. They will also avoid that they are far or away from home. In addition, the person does not do much physical activities anymore, for fear that it will lead to a panic attack. These people always and everywhere need someone they trust.

Physical complaints

These symptoms usually only occur in situations that cause anxiety. It is true that most people with agoraphobia do not experience many physical complaints. This is because they deliberately avoid situations that make them anxious.

The physical symptoms of agoraphobia are similar to those of a panic attack:

- a warm feeling and sweating
- tremble
- fast breathing and heartbeat
- nausea
- pain in the chest
- dizziness and a faint feeling
- tinnitus

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