Blister Treatment - How To Get Rid Of Blisters

What is a blister (medical)?

A blister or Blein is a cavity in or under the epidermis, in which the moisture content varies. In the efflorescentieleer of dermatology blisters are distinguished from vesicles: vesicles be smaller than 1 cm, blisters larger. This can help differentiate to recognize diseases. Many blisters caused by extreme heating or cooling of the skin or by sustained pressure or friction. In the former case one speaks of a fire blister, in the second case just of a blister, or sometimes referred to as pressure blister. However, there are other skin conditions which can prevent blisters.

Burn Blisters

Blisters caused by contact of the skin with hot gases, liquids or other materials. Extreme cold, such as touch of liquid nitrogen, has the same effect on the skin as heat. Also highly corrosive chemicals can cause blisters when they come into contact with skin.

A fire blister is a second-degree burn. Moisture forms between the epidermis and dermis. This blistering is generally quite painful. When large areas are burned, the pain is often extreme. It is important that, although a part of the skin is destroyed, there are still parts of the epidermis remained intact. This may make it after detachment of the wound scabs from themselves grow new skin over the wound. The cure takes, depending on the depth of the burn, a few days up to four or five weeks. The hair roots and sweat glands lie deep in the skin. As long as only a part thereof is retained, wound healing is possible. However, the risk of wound infection is lurking. If this happens, the originally intact skin may still be destroyed anyway, so that formation of new skin is prevented. If this happens, the prospects are very unfavorable.

Burn Blisters, however large or small, you can cover it - as long as the blister intact because no infection can occur. Will the blister still play, as in large blisters on thin skin is almost inevitable, it is advisable to cover it with a sterile gauze to prevent infection.

Press Blisters

Press Blisters usually caused by prolonged or severe skin irritation. This can be caused by poorly fitting clothing during intense exercise such as sports, or intensive use of tools which should be put much force. In the latter case, the blister will almost always form in the hands. The most likely come blisters on feet caused by either incorrectly seated (or new, not run) shoes, either by a long walk.

Press Blisters are almost always small and only locally. Life-threatening, they never.

Blister Treatment, How To Get Rid Of Blisters

Blister treatment
Unlike blisters may be pressure blisters or punctured; However, this is not necessary. In general, this is done only if the swelling which results from the blister is caused inconvenience. However, it is important that when piercing the risk of infections is kept as small as possible. Before that they used a sterile needle. Generally it recommends a (pressure) blister untouched to as long as they do not tear open (or causes pain). When this occurs, may be best with a pair of scissors the loosened skin wound are cut off in order to obtain a beautiful, level wound edge, after which is applied a wound or blister plaster. It is important to remember that an open (ruptured) blister easily infects a closed blister.

Incomplete list of skin with blisters

Autoimmune bullous dermatoses
  • Pemphigus vulgaris
  • Bullous pemphigoid or variants (LAD, pemphigus gestationis)
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis
  • Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita

Inflammatory dermatoses with (sometimes) blisters
  • (Bullous) Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
  • Porphyria cutanea tarda and pseudoporfyrie
  • Acute eczema (contact allergy Phytophotodermatitis)
  • Leukocytoclastic vasculitis
  • Erythema multiforme
  • Medicines Reaction
  • Impetigo (Impetigo)
  • Wound Rose
  • Cellulite
  • Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Genetic bullous dermatoses
  • Epidermolysis bullosa (all forms)
  • Syndrome Kindler
Blisters appear to be more common in
  • Edema
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Coma

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