Function Of Nails

Nail (anatomy)

Nails is the hard protection that has the human or animal at the upper side of a fingertip, toe, nails of a claw or the outer surface of the hoof.

Function of nails

The function of the nails is that the nails protect the nerve endings in the tips of the fingers, so that there is no callus formation occurs on the fingers. Due to the presence of the nails an animal therefore retains the sensation in the fingers.

The human being has been able to use the nail for, among other things, the editing of small objects, scratching, picking and so on. In earlier times could be similarly edible roots from the soil scratched.

nails designs, nail polish, acrylic nails

Human fingernails grow about 2-3 mm per month, slightly faster in men than in women. A nail to completely re-grow is about 6 to 8 months is needed; toenails for up to 18 months. The skin edge that connects to the nail, called cuticle. The front white part of the nail is called the Balba (derived from the Latin alba, that "white" means). Many women do nails grow long to look more attractive or feminine. The historical explanation is that a woman with long nails can not work with her hands - so staff on duty - and thus good position. If nails are weak or fragile, or just as a fashion accessory are also artificial nails stuck on natural nails.

Some people are addicted to nail biting. Thus, they often have a short nail bed (the pink part of the nail). The fingertip is frequently below the free edge of the nail out. On the other hand, short nails can also be a sign of a hobby or profession that requires short nails, such as playing a stringed instrument. Guitarists are often recognizable by short nails on the left and long nails on the right.

The nail plate (the visible upper side) is composed of three layers:

  • Hear layer (cuticle) is the top layer which separates from dehydration. Also called splitting nails.
  • Keratin layer (sponge layer), take all the nutrients and keep moisture and solid fat.
  • Epithelial layer (lower layer), the fixing layer of the nagelwal. This is located on the side of the nail plate.

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