Symptoms And Treatment Of Venous Insufficiency

What is venous insufficiency?

Venous insufficiency is inadequacy of the venous system, the veins. By insufficient drainage of fluid and waste can lead to complaints, ranging from fatigue to non-healing wounds.


The venous system is designed to carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart. After the blood has passed through the capillaries, there is little remaining thrust of the heart. In order nevertheless to obtain the blood back into the heart, there are present in many veins valves, which prevent back flow and maintain the pressure in the venous vessels layer. The veins are compressed by the contraction of the muscles, so that the blood to flow. Additionally still breathing again creates pressure drop above the diaphragm through which blood is drawn. Venous insufficiency, failure of this system, which creates pressure in the veins. This is most noticeable on the legs. The main cause of venous insufficiency is the malfunctioning of the valves in the venous system. This can occur with varicose veins or a predisposition disorder (absent valves). The valves can also be damaged by a deep vein thrombosis or thrombophlebitis. Another cause for venous insufficiency is too little muscle activity, as may occur in wheelchair-bound patients (= dependency edema).

Types of venous insufficiency

Venous insufficiency can be caused by abnormalities in the purely superficial FENS: to the vena saphena magna that especially the legs (VSM) and vena saphena parva (VSP) and side branches thereof. These cases can be evaluated by disabling the affected vessels. If there is important backflow of blood is in the diepveneuze system (such as vena vena femoral or popliteal), treatment is difficult.

Dr. Paolo Zamboni has chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency established in patients with multiple sclerosis.

Venous insufficiency symptoms

venous insufficiency treatment, chronic venous insufficiency

Symptoms of venous insufficiency include:
  • edema:
  • visible varicose veins
  • corona phlebectatica: a crown of visible blue kegs on the side of the feet
  • hyperpigmentation and discoloration on the lower legs caused by hemosiderin.
  • stasis dermatitis
  • tired legs with long standing, more than walk.
  • venous claudication: a variant of claudication, where the symptoms develop after a long period of walking and improve much less by a rest.
  • nocturnal muscle cramps in the legs and restless legs
  • as venous insufficiency is not treated, can cause wounds (open leg).
  • venous insufficiency is usually determined by doing a Doppler examination of the veins in the leg. Backflow of blood towards the toes, pointing out malfunctioning valves.

Venous insufficiency treatment

Treatment of superficial varicose veins by
  • strip or crossectomy of the greater saphenous vein and / or vena saphena parva
  • sclerocompressietherapie (or foam sclerosis)
  • endovascular ablation (by endovenous laser, radio-frequency treatment, or steam)

Increase in the tissue pressure on the lower legs
  • bandage
  • compression stockings

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