Allergic Rhinitis Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

What Is Rhinitis?

Each year, more than 5 million people have a form of (chronic) rhinitis. Rhinitis means inflammation of the nasal mucosa. How is this big group affected by this? KNO doctor Bas van den Borne reports that this has to do with the following factors:
  • Industrialization. There are more dust particles in the air
  • More vaccinations
  • Improved hygiene and lesser age at younger age increase the risk of developing more allergies
  • Climate change. The flowering seasons last longer

allergic rhinitis causes, symptoms and treatment

According to rhinologist Prof. Dr. Wytske Fokkens, 50 to 60% of people with chronic rhinitis allergy are the offender. The remaining 40 to 50% is caused by a variety of factors. Despite the fact that the disorder affects such a large group, they often live the idea that there is nothing to do. This while there are various treatment options for the condition.

Allergic Rhinitis Symptoms

Usually a normal nasal cold lasts a week. This is recognized by symptoms such as sneezing, snotting and a nasal congestion. In allergic rhinitis, problems with the nose, throat and cavity are caused by a reaction to allergens. In order to find out what the individual is the cause, certain factors must be excluded. Allergy can be determined by blood tests and pricking in the skin with allergens. The result of the test must be in accordance with the patient's complaints.

You do not have to keep walking with complaints

Both Fokkens and Van den Borne find that there is reluctance in both patients and therapists, which causes complaints to be delayed for too long. On the one hand, this is because patients only go to the doctor in 10% of cases. On the other hand, if they decide to go to a doctor, they often do not get the desired result, after which they do not seek further treatment. Breeders: "This can be a change by motivating patients first. You do not have to walk around with complaints. Within primary care, attention needs to be paid to the recognition of signals and patients should be evaluated more often. "Van den Borne: "In this condition, an individualized approach is needed to remedy the symptoms. If this does not happen then the result of years of treatment can not be sought for complaints leading to chronic rhinosinusitis. This is a chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa and the nasal cavities. "

Allergic Rhinitis and Non Allergic Rhinitis

The most common form of rhinitis is nasal cold. That's what everyone has to do with it. This is caused by a virus. Secondly there is hay fever. This is a seasonal variant that occurs in about 30% of the population. For example, this allergic form can be caused by a reaction to:

Tree bulbs that occur in the air especially in March and April
 Grass pollen, mainly in May and June
 House dust mite. Here you can experience last year's hassle, with peak winter months

In addition to the allergic variant, some of the people have rhinitis that is caused by several causes. This includes hypersensitivity to medication, pregnancy and smoking. In case of smoking there is self-inflicted agony, this group is beneficial for this purpose. Fokkens: "In addition, some of the patients with non-allergic rhinitis face the nose in the nose too tightly, allowing random triggers to trigger a reaction. This can be treated with a pepper spray.

Impact rhinitis similar to asthma

Van den Borne mentions that the condition is still underestimated. "Regularly, people will be told that their complaints are inevitable. This while the quality of life can be greatly deteriorated. Factors such as resistance reduction, condition deterioration and disturbed sleep alertness affect daily activities such as work or school."
Fokkens adds that the impact on quality of life is comparable to that of asthma patients. But strangely, they will not soon get a comment if they have a shortage of breath and literally and figuratively run.

Treatment For Allergic Rhinitis

Once you start a course, it is first and foremost the task to determine the cause of the (allergic) rhinitis. Based on this, treaters can provide patients with good information about the condition and treatment options.

According to Van den Borne, the first treatment consists of avoiding allergens to which one responds and the use of medication. Next, an evaluation takes place via the so-called VAS score ruler. In this case, patients indicate to what extent the complaints reduce. If this does not appear to be correct, then a reference to a NPO doctor will follow. On the basis of further research, he will use the medication to use higher levels. If this does not result, in some cases immunotherapy is an option.

Allergic rhinitis treatment with immunotherapy

Immunotherapy is a very intensive treatment form suitable for a select group of patients. Most people with one or two allergies can be targeted at the specific allergen they respond to. In this therapy, 60 to 70% less complaints after an average of 3 to 5 years of treatment. Van den Borne: "Immunotherapy is a promising way of treating global influx of patients with allergic rhinitis globally in the future."

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