Information On Colon Cancer

About one in 6 cancer patients under the age of 50 has a genetic aptitude for cancer. In patients who are early on with colon cancer, hereditary conditions such as Lynch syndrome often appear to occur. This syndrome increases the risk of bowel cancer. According to US researchers, early detection of genetic factors like this offers the ability to fight colon cancer.

Information On Colon Cancer

Colon cancer research results

The study led by Heather Hampel (Ohio State University) took 450 patients. Their age was between 17 and 49 years. All of them were operated on colon cancer by 2013 or later. Hampel and her team discovered mutations in the genes of 72 patients. At about half it was the hereditary Lynch syndrome. From the syndrome itself, people do not experience any complaints until they get a form of cancer. These are then the same as the complaints of patients with non-inherited cancers.
About one third of the investigations found to be at higher risk due to their genetic disorder. The investigator said that it would have been important if they had previously been screened for this deviation.

The Lynch syndrome

Colon cancer develops in patients with Lynch syndrome at relatively young age, often before the 50th year of life. This is an important difference with non-hereditary forms of colon cancer which usually occur only later
Children of someone with the disorder have 50% chance of inheriting this genetic disorder
The risk of cancer varies from 25-75% depending on the type of mutation
Through a heredity study (DNA research) it can be determined with certainty whether someone has the condition

Multi-gene panel tests

The team has made a remarkable finding. Indeed, in some of the patients they discovered genetic mutations that are more often linked to other cancers. These individuals initially found that family history did not indicate that these mutations were present. Only after multi-gene panel tests were applied were the criteria found to correspond to the family history of patients. These tests can identify more individuals with genetic cancer gene mutations.

The research results in doubt the current screening for hereditary risk factors. Hampel once again stresses the importance of discovering at a young age whether there is a risk of (hereditary) hereditary cancer.

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