Facts About Asthma Attack In Children

All About Asthma : Information On Asthma

Pediatrician Eric de Groot concludes in his dissertation that asthma is treated in more than 97% of cases. If that is not the case, it usually occurs because of the unusual or loyal use of medicine (37%) and the least often because it is a form of asthma resistant to therapy (3%).

Facts about asthma attack in children

Furthermore, De Groot finds that 76% of the children in his research group also found hay fever and that 44% of these children had not been noticed. By addressing these and other additional diseases adequately, asthma complaints can be minimized as far as possible.

Asthma Control In Children

Asthma is the most common chronic disease in childhood with a significant impact on the daily functioning and quality of life of these children. In order to ensure that asthma children, like their peers, have a normal active life, treatment is attempted to minimize asthma symptoms and prevent asthma attacks, preferably with as few drugs as possible. Experts call that 'asthma control'. De Groot investigated what role other conditions play besides asthma in the asthma control of these children. More research was still underway.

Causes of Uncontrolled Asthma Attack In Children

Finally, De Groot searched for possible causes for non-control of asthma in children. He studied the files of 147 children diagnosed with "uncontrolled asthma", and concluded that in the vast majority of cases (97%), a statement could be found, such as bad therapies (37%), permanent exposure to environmental stimulus such as Cigarette smoke (28%) and other conditions (20%, almost all hay fever or incorrect breathing). This makes it possible for children to treat it well, even when children are not free from complaints.

Conclusions From Studies On Asthma

Allergic rhinitis was found in a study group of 203 children most frequently, namely in 157 (76%) children. It was only found in 88 children. De Groot also concludes that the use of an anti-allergy nasal spray against hay fever helps to better control asthma. He also states that a wrong respiratory technique is not often a cause of poor asthma control (5% of the research group), but it does have a significant impact on asthma control in these children.

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