Alcohol Abuse

Decrease or stop drinking alcohol? 

Choose whether you want to cut down or quit. In both cases it is important in advance to have a clear plan and set. Achievable goals Here are some reasons for your choice.

It is wise to stop alcohol as:

*You are pregnant (or want to be) or breastfeeding.
*You use certain drugs (eg, sedatives)
*If you have any physical complaints by the alcohol.

Try to cut down as in any case:

*Yourself or the people around you suffer from your alcohol intake.
*You drink more than is good for you (up to one or two glasses a day).

Does your drinking really a problem to be for yourself or for your area, or threaten you to be dependent on alcohol then it is wiser to stop completely. for instance:

*if you make the decision to cut down ever again postpones;
*if you every opportunity to drink;
*if you drink to oust anxiety, depression or problems;
*if you always (more) need to drink to feel good or to a particular situation;
*if you are moody or restless if you have to do without alcohol for a while;
*if you are aggressive, anxious or depressed under the influence of alcohol;
*if you have issues with your partner, family, friends or colleagues by drink;
*if you neglect by the alcohol yourself, your family or your work;
*if you come by the drink in financial difficulties;
*if you come by your drinking with the police contact (positive breath tests, accident or use of force).

alcohol abuse, alcoholism, alcohol facts, alcohol treatment, drinking alcohol

Stopping: temporarily or permanently 

If you persist you will be very difficult, you can first decide on a period such as a month or six months, not to drink.

This gives more grip: you do not have to wonder if you can drink now or not. Often this is also a good reason to finally quit.

Juniors: at once or gradually? 

If you want to cut down on drinking, choose in advance whether you want to drink less time in one or moves gradually diminish. Some people find gradually decreasing easier.

*Determine the maximum number of units of alcohol you should drink per day and per week.
*With gradually decreasing: capture predetermined how many drinks per week you are going to slow down.
*Would you like to reduce the number of days you can drink, determine in advance which days you can drink or not. It is wise not to drink at least two days in the week; this in order to prevent habituation.

Seek support from the reduce or stop drinking 

When your body is accustomed to a certain amount of alcohol, you need to cut down or stop extra willpower.

In addition to the help of the general practice, you will also need to get the people at home and in your immediate area support. It is therefore important that you talk about at home, with a good friend (in) and maybe with a trusted colleague at work.

Find any people in your area who want to cut back or quit with you. Then you can support each other.

When to contact your doctor? 

When you have decided to drink less, or temporarily or completely stop, make an appointment with your doctor to prepare this further. Your doctor can help you create a plan you. Sometimes the doctor will ask the practice nurse mental health to guide you. With support and guidance from the general practice is the chance that you succeed bigger.

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