Binge Eating Disorder Definition :Treatment For Eating Disorders

What is an eating disorder ?

In a binge eating disorder you often have cravings. You eat during a binge lot succession. You are in control of the food then completely lost. You feel that you can not stop and can not determine how much you eat. About binges you feel very at.

On a binge:

*you eat a lot faster than normal
*you eat until you feel full of annoying
*you eat a lot without really hungry to have
*eating alone because you are ashamed of how much you eat
*do you feel after the binge guilty or depressed

In a binge eating binges meet at least twice a week. If this is all it takes six months, you have a binge eating disorder. Do you recognize the symptoms? Do not wait to seek help for too long. You through the binge eating disorder are slowly getting heavier. Another name for binge eating disorder is Binge Eating Disorder (BED).

Talk about a eating problem

You might find it difficult to talk about your eating problem, for example because you embarrassed. However, it is important to talk about your eating problem. A eating problem is not by itself in and is often getting worse. The sooner you are looking for help, the more likely it is that you are restoring.

Try talking about it with people you know well, such as family or friends.
Discuss it with your doctor.

Difference between binge eating disorder and bulimia

A binge disorder similar to bulimia nervosa. There is one important difference. People with bulimia try after a binge eating again to get rid of it, for example by vomiting or laxatives. If you have not, do this a binge disorder.

Studies in an eating problem

Your doctor knows many people with an eating disorder. It's good to talk together about the following things:

*your diet, binge eating, vomiting
*how you think about your body
*your lowest and your highest weight in the last few years
*changes in menstrual
*use of medications
*use of alcohol
*exercise and sports

From the discussion with your doctor is clear if you have an eating disorder. Maybe let your doctor do blood and urine tests.

Binge Eating Disorder Treatment

The treatment of binge eating disorder consists of two parts:

*therapy with a psychologist (target is less binge eating)
*a lifestyle program (goal is to lose weight).

It could be scary to discuss your eating disorder in a group. But most people soon have a sense of recognition and understanding. That support can help.


There are two types of therapy that good help:

*cognitive behavioral therapy in a group. In cognitive behavioral therapy, you learn how to get back overeating. Control again You go in of a binge investigations. Done something annoying? What did you think? So you get an insight into why a binge. You discover during therapy that is not the situation but your thoughts here are the real reason for a binge. The positive is that you can learn to change your mind. So you learn to deal with different situations. The result: less likely to binge.
*interpersonal therapy in a group. In interpersonal therapy, you learn to cope better with other people. You get more confidence and will worry less about weight and food.

Improve lifestyle

Have you overweight by the binge disorder? Then it is also important to get guidance in order to lose weight. This may have already during the therapy or shortly after therapy. You will discuss with your supervisor your weight, diet, eating behavior and how much you move. You get personal opinions. In a group you get information on healthy eating and eat regularly. You'll also get guidance to get back healthy exercise.

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